ISO 14644 equivalents for EU GMP Grades

  • 23 Sep 2020

ISO 14644 equivalents for EU GMP Grades of cleanrooms

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We've noticed that we frequently get asked which ISO 14644 Classification is equivalent to EU GMP Grades for zones or cleanrooms, so we’ve put together a handy breakdown below.

What is the ISO 14644 approximate equivalent for the EU GMP grades?

  • EU GMP Grade A is approximately equivalent to ISO 14644 Class 5
  • EU GMP Grade B is approximately equivalent to ISO 14644 Class 5
  • EU GMP Grade C is approximately equivalent to ISO 14644 Class 7
  • EU GMP Grade D is approximately equivalent to ISO 14644 Class 8

For more information on the particulate concentration limits, we have a table that breaks it down on our cleanroom classifications page on our Connect 2 Cleanrooms website.

If you'd like to speak to us about your consumables requirements for ISO or GMP cleanrooms, get in touch.
